Welcome to Omin!

an acronym for OneMindInNature

About the Artist

I’ve always been an artist at heart. I was easily inspired as a kid, and my bedroom walls were a testament to that. With bright orange paint they were covered floor to ceiling in my artwork. I had never really stopped painting after my high school art teacher gave me a stack of extra paints to take home for the summer. My passion for painting only continued to grow as I began learning new techniques. 

However, when it came time to decide on a college education I was fully convinced in the narrative that if you really want to succeed in life choosing a STEM career was the way to go. Of course the “starving artist” stereotype was the bitter reality of choosing a path in the arts, right? So I chose to study statistics since I've always had a passion for mathematics. After all, there’s quite a bit of creativity in analytical problem solving. Looking back now I can only laugh at all the misconceptions I had about art careers. I found myself hitting the inevitable rut that all creatives hit when they let their artistic passion die out. At this time my life was going through a lot of change, I had recently gotten married, I moved across the country, and my mom passed away due to cancer. It became clear to me that life is short, and so I began asking myself the important questions in life. Starting with, what do I truly value? Through these trials came a strengthened faith, a spark in my creativity, and the motivation to continuously feed my artistic visions. 

Fast forward to today, I’m incredibly grateful I get to paint everyday. Having an impact on my community and those around me fills my soul. I love being able to connect with others, sharing our stories and values through artistic expression. No matter what your situation, God has a meaningful use for you. I want to encourage you to pursue a life that truly fills you up!

Thank you so much for your support, it really does mean the world to me!

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